
  BAHAN PRESENTASI MATA KULIAH ELEKTRONIKA 2024 OLEH: FATHAN SHADIQ SAREGA 2310951032 DOSEN PENGAMPU: Dr. Darwison, M.T Referensi:  1. Darwison, 2010, ”TEORI, SIMULASI DAN APLIKASI ELEKTRONIKA ”, Jilid 1, ISBN: 978- 602-9081-10-7, CFerila, Padang  2. Darwison, 2010, ”TEORI, SIMULASI DAN APLIKASI ELEKTRONIKA ”, Jilid 1, ISBN: 978-   602-9081-10-7, CV Ferila, Padang 3 . Robert L. Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, Pearson, 2013  4 . Jimmie J. Cathey, Theory and Problems of Electronic Device and Circuit, McGraw Hill, 2002.  5 . Keith Brindley, Starting Electronics, Newness 3rd Edition, 2005  6 . Ian R. Sinclair and John Dunton, Practical Electronics Handbook, Newness, 2007.  7. John M. Hughes, Practical Electronics: Components and Techniques, O’Reilly Media, 2015.